Detroit Man Discovers Recipe For Stronger, Lighter Steel


Amateur metallurgist Gary Cola has found a way to create improve steel, and he only had to ignore five centuries of tradition to roll in the hay.

In traditional steel manufacturing, iron and C are combined to forg an alloy with properties that make it thoroughgoing for millions of applications. Since the Renaissance, this generally entailed heating both in a furnace for prolonged periods of time (hours or even days), and symmetric in the modern epoch that is still essentially the march mankind uses to create the 1.3 billion scores of the stuff and nonsense it consumes every year.

Cola's method however, heats the elements to intensely high temperatures almost instantaneously, then immediately cools them. The resulting alloy is 7 percent stronger than traditional steel, and boasts a fracture huskiness that rivals titanium.

"Flash Bainite" as wel boasts improved ductileness; that is, the power to pucker on impact without actually breaking. Even more than a embodied's sheer strength, ductility is a property widely prized past auto manufacturers hoping to insure the survival of their customers in lawsuit of collision.

Engadget claims the entire process "takes all of about 10 seconds," making it some more energy efficient and cheaper than current steel output methods.

Nearly imposingly, Gary Cola is altogether self taught. He has atomic number 102 degree in metallurgy and when he approached Ohio State University associate prof of materials science and engineering Suresh Babu with his discovery, the idea was fired equally unthinkable. Undeterred, Genus Cola invited Babu and his students to Detroit to attestant the process firsthand in his laboratory.

"The march that Gary described — it shouldn't have worked. I didn't believe him. So he took my students and me to Detroit," Babu said.

"We asked for a few samples to test, and it turned out that everything he same was straight."

Baboo and Cola are today working unneurotic to discern the physics behind the Flash Bainite formula.

The honorable of this story? College degrees are for chumps (assuming you stern at the same time revolutionize the field of materials science and international production capacity).

Source: EurekAlert via Engadget


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